
Three Ways BeeKonnected Platinum Membership Can Boost Your Income

BeeKonnected’s Platinum Membership has several unique features that give you an edge in the business world to increase your income. This membership level will change the way you think about doing business online. To maximize your Premium Membership, there are three key components to take advantage of: increasing your reach, selling more products and services, and receiving affiliate income.

#1 Meeting/Webinar Features

#2 Call-To-Action Buttons

#3 Affiliate Partnership

Each component will allow you to monetize your following in new ways. The meeting and webinar room features allow you to customize your rooms with sidebar links to your products and offers that potential customers can click live and in the replay. This adds up to more business exposure and increased sales. 

The Affiliate Partnership opportunity allows you to share BeeKonnected with friends, colleagues, and customers by inviting them to the platform. This is a WIN/WIN for everyone. You get rewarded financially for each new paid member, while at the same time, you are helping others build their businesses. 

These days, business owners need allies, several streams of income, and a solid foundation. BeeKonnected Platinum Membership offers all of this and more for your business. Share BeeKonnected today with your affiliate link and start getting the most out of your Platinum Membership!

Written by Angela Sidlo, BeeKonnected Member